Intelligent NEW technologies: ACC system Any parameters of sealing, vacu - uming, air blowing or gas flushing can be set and controlled by ACC (Active Cycle Control system) inde - pendently of each other. Using the ACC System sealing will be validated (quali fied). Due to the system, every sealing process can be realized and repeated in finitely by the same pa - rameters.
MSB technology ( Modular Sealing Bar) is an in - novation developed by Hacona Packaging which enables the sealing bar width to be changed within few minutes. All temperature, time and closing pressure settings automatically adjust to compensate for the change in width! The main - tenance of the used sealing bar can be carried out easily in parallel and the packaging process can go on. This innovative system comprises a single in - dustrial sealing unit with seven interchangeable sealing bar widths - 420, 620, 820, 1020, 1320, 1520 and 2520 mm.
Advantages of the machine:
- Perfect under industrial (dusty, dirty etc) conditions
- Very high sealing pressure - more than 20 N/cm²
- Very fast working cycle
- Small space requirement
- Low energy consumption
- 8 mm wide bi-active sealing for a high quality seal
- 5.7” LCD Touch Display control unit
- User-friendly menu system
- Multi-level safety system for high operational safety
- Sealing bars are operated pneumatically
- Choice of automatic or manual working cycle
- Pneumatic air filter for air infeed
Surface finish:
- Orange painted – general industry Model: V-type / I-type
- INOX – food/pharmaceutical industry Model: VI-type / II-type
Validated sealing:
- Constant sealing temperature
- Constant sealing time
- Constant sealing pressure
Sealable materials:
- PE
- PP
- PET / Paper / PE
- PET / Alumínium / PE
- Other laminated materials with a sealable