5 sealing bar sizes assure the maximum flexibility
The hacona C – type impulse heat sealing machines are produced in 5 different sealing bar length. This wide product range assures the maximum flexibility to choose the right machine size for the right application. For small bag sizes the C – 220 impulse film sealing machine offers best place saving solution. If all kind of different bag sizes a..
The hacona E – type impulse heat sealing machines with electrical foot pedal are produced in 5 different sealing bar length. This wide product range assures maximum flexibility to choose the right machine size for the right packaging application. The smallest machine in the E – type product range is the E – 420. This machine offers the best place saving solution. If all kinds of different bag size..
A specially developed sealing wire tensioning system ensures that the sealing wires are constantly tensioned at any sealing temperature at the right level. This ensures extreme wear resistance for the sealing wire and PTFE coating (wear parts) and further a smooth, beautiful sealing.
Suitable for sealing: PE (LDPE, HDPE), PP, PA, PVC, BOPP and any other laminated films that have a thermopla..
Intelligent NEW technologies: SMPS with DTM system The machine is using SMPS (Switched Mode Power Supply) and DTM (Digital Temperature Measurement) technology for sealing. The proper sealing temperature can be realized and kept precisely during the whole sealing method. Even though the cooling cycle is temperature controlled sealing surroundings are kept under pressure until the end of the cooling..
Intelligent NEW technologies: ACC system Any parameters of sealing, vacu - uming, air blowing or gas flushing can be set and controlled by ACC (Active Cycle Control system) inde - pendently of each other. Using the ACC System sealing will be validated (quali fied). Due to the system, every sealing process can be realized and repeated in finitely by the same pa - rameters.
MSB technology ( Modul..
Revolutional unique technical solution! One type of machine can be equipped with 5 different size of sealing bars, 820, 1020, 1320, 2220 and 2620 mm.
Advantages of the machine:
Vacuum level can be adjusted by pressure (kPa) or by time (time unit: 0.1 sec.). The integrated vacuum sensor is detacting the vacuum level.
The vacuum and gas cycle can be repeated several times after each other..
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